為港島南區全新大型豪宅,設計靈感源自南歐蒙地卡羅之著名海灘 – Larvotto Beach,象徵物業的臨海非凡價值。南灣座向東南,背倚玉桂山,御覽深灣遊艇俱樂部、海洋公園至香港仔海峽270 ̊景觀,磅礡氣勢,傾溢而出。物業由9座低密度豪華住宅大廈組成,樓群以一字排開的布局設計,戶戶盡享開揚景觀。
以「航海遊歷」為概念,耗資五億打造的殿堂級會所 – Club Voyage,倚傍優美的海岸線,遊艇碼頭舉步可達,私人遊艇會更為尊戶提供絕無僅有之遊艇服務或海上派對;真正貴族海灣生活,由此啟航。
Voyage 佔地廣達150,000 平方呎,總面積達15,000 平方呎的室外、內游泳池、健身房、水療坊及豪華海景餐廳等設施,配合六星級酒店式管理服務,印證尊戶顯赫地位。
南灣貼鄰預計於2015年落成的港鐵南港島綫,距離金鐘僅3站之遙, 盡享便捷。另深灣遊艇俱樂部、香港鄉村俱樂部和香港高爾夫球會亦僅方寸之距,消閒遣樂與高逸意趣兼容。
地址 鴨脷洲海旁道 8 號
入伙日期 2011
發展商 達展發展有限公司 (母公司: 新鴻基地產發展有限公司、嘉里建設有限公司、百利保控股有限公司)
座數 9
單位總數 715
建築面積 約591至約2567平方呎 ; 另備相連、複式及花園平台特色單位
物業校網: 幼稚園:南區,小學:18,中學:南區
售樓說明書: 售樓說明書(發展商網頁)
價目表: 價目表(發展商網頁)
Inspired by Monte Carlo’s Larvotto Beach, Larvotto, the latest signature residential development, is
jointly developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties, Kerry Properties and Paliburg
Holdings. The southeast-facing Larvotto also takes in 270 ̊ captivating sea view and luscious mountain view, stretching from
Aberdeen Marina Club to Ocean Park and Aberdeen Channel.
$500 – million
Club Voyage
Inspired by the
‘’journey on the sea’’, the $500 million private clubhouse-Club Voyage, is
built along the stunning shoreline where yacht pier is on the doorstep.
One-of-a-kind private yacht service tailor-makes your private sailing lesson
and cruise party, far extending your luxury to the unlimited horizon.
The deluxe Club
Voyage, measuring nearly 150,000 sf including sky gardens and landscaped
greenery, houses 15,000 sf indoor and outdoor pools, gymnasium, spa facilities
and sea view restaurants, and more. Coupling with the 6-ster management
service, the world of superiority is further graced.
Landmark in the
Blessed with a
comprehensive transportation network providing swift access to all districts,
Larvotto is in proximity to the future South lsland Line (East) scheduled to be
completed in 2015. Renowned private clubs such as Aberdeen Marina Club are also
just moments away.